A Word About Life and Things




            There are many times that we run into workmen doing work on the road that we are traveling on. They have set up a detour to go around the work that they are doing. Sometimes it is an easy detour, and at other times the traffic is so backed up that we just sit in the traffic for a long time. We do not like it when the traffic is moving so slowly. It is times like this that brings out the worst in people and in some the good comes out. We do not like our day to be interrupted with slow moving traffic.

      There are times in our lives that we are interrupted in the way that we are going. Things go wrong, we lose someone important in our lives, we lose a good job and the many other things can happen to us. Many times that is God working in us, to see what we are made of. We are on a detour in our lives. When on the detour we don’t like it, but we are stuck there and life has slowed down. God is watching us to see what we will do. Will we keep on trusting Him? Or do we throw up our hands and give up. A lot of people just run away. They run away from their spouse. They change their church. They don’t know what they should do.

      When we don’t know what to do, do nothing. Don’t rush into another relationship. Do not leave your spouse. If you are in a good church, stay there. There may be some things you need to change, but do not be in a hurry. This is the time to seek after God. To ask Him what we should do. While on this detour, most of the time God does not answer us. We feel like He is not there. This is a time of testing. We need to seek God more. Do the things that God has put in our hearts. Keep worshipping Him. He will see us through this detour.

      God has many things He wants to accomplish in our lives, but we need to stay open to Him and the new things He is bringing into our lives. He will not leave us in that detour. He will bring us out the other side, if we do not stop trusting Him. We give Him our will and follow where He wants us to go. We submit ourselves to Him. We will be blessed beyond measure.


      New King James Version
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.