A Word About Life and Things




         Our Scientists have turned science into a religion. They no longer depend on science but on their political leanings. They tell us that the Dinosaur was extinct 56 million years ago. I have always thought that their benchmark was way out of kilter. A benchmark is a standard for measurement or judgment. (The word benchmark comes from workmen who marked their measurements on the workbench to keep all of their work to a standard and to maintain a constant measurement). They cannot look back 4500 years ago and tell us about the flood that covered the earth, or the sediments that are more than a mile deep and covers Continents. What do they know about one million years ago let alone 56 million years? They go out of their way to not acknowledge God. They ridicule the Bible when the Bible has the history of man and animals. The Bible even states that it is the history of the heavens and the earth.

      The word Dinosaur was coined in 1841 by a Minister. Before that time they were called dragons. The Bible talks about dragons and many other animals. In Job, God talked to Job about the Leviathan that breathed smoke from his nostrils and fire from his mouth, He talked about the armor on his back and how they fit together so tight that no air go past them, and how he was not afraid of the spear and the javelin that could not harm him. God talked to Job like Job knew what God was talking about. God also talked about the Behemoth that had a tail like a cedar tree and his bones were like bronze. The word Dragon is mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible.

      Were there Dinosaurs in the Ark with Noah? Yes! the Bible does not state that any of the animals were left behind. God Himself brought all of the animals to the Ark. The Ark was 515 feet long and 87 feet wide and 75 feet tall. (Noah used the Royal Egyptian Cubit. It is 20.6 Inches long. The Ark was 300 Cubits long which equals 515 feet.) There was no need to bring every animal in the different families to repopulate the species. The Tyrannosaur (T-Rex) family had twelve different species. Some of these species were the size of cows. Some of the animals could have been juveniles of the species. Just like the finch birds that have more than 230 species, only one genera group (7) was needed. Of the unclean animals, they came in pairs. There were not very many different types of families of Dinosaurs. Even cockroaches were included.

      Throughout history, men have seen and talked about and have killed Dragons. Herodotus in the 5th century BC talked about going to Arabia and seeing a large quantity of the bones of serpents like a water-snake but has wings without feathers. Alexander the Great in 330 BC saw a great hissing dragon living in a cave, with people worshiping it as a god. Martha of Bethany in the 1st century AD, while living in France, talked about luring a dragon into a trap and the Village men killed it. Beowulf from Poland was a legendary 6th-century dragon slayer. He killed several sea reptiles and then a dragon called a Grendel. He lost his life from wounds received while fighting a flying dragon that may have been a giant Pterosaur. In the 7th century, a dragon from the Seine River in France was captured by the bishop of Rouen (Saint Romans). After burning the creature, the head was mounted on the Church. Replicas were later carved that became known as gargoyles. There were two chapters removed from the book of Daniel because of the story about the dragon. This happened in Babylon and the King and his subjects were worshipping a dragon. Daniel asked permission from the King to kill the dragon and prove that it was not a god. Men that killed a dragon were heroes and many dragons were killed.

      Dinosaurs eventually became extinct but only about 250 years ago. The only dinosaurs we have today are alligators and crocodiles. They are the only ones that resemble a Dinosaur today. Dinosaurs became extinct because of man's fear, of hunting for sport, and because the Dinosaurs ate their farm animals. Even today we will hunt down any animal that will attack our farm animals.

      There is overwhelming proof that Dinosaurs did not become extinct 56 million years ago. There are dinosaur bone fields where at least 11 different dinosaurs died because they were herded there because of rising water. There are other finds of Fossilized Soft Tissue Dinosaurs. A Dinosaur was found in the stomach of a mammal In 2005.

      We should not pay a lot of attention to mankind today. They do not know God. Without God, they do not know the truth of God. Our God has a benchmark and a standard that is Jesus. Do we measure up to His standards? We do, if we accept Him as our Savior.

Daniel 14:26. But allow me, O king, and I will kill this dragon without sword or staff.” The king said, “I allow you.”
 27 Then Daniel took pitch, fat, and hair, and melted them together, and made lumps of them. He put these in the dragon’s mouth, so the dragon ate and burst apart. Daniel said, “Behold, these are the gods you all worship.”

      New King James Version - Leviathan
Job 41:19 Out of his mouth go burning lights; Sparks of fire shoot out.
 20 Smoke goes out of his nostrils, As from a boiling pot and burning rushes.
 21 His breath kindles coals, And a flame goes out of his mouth.
 22 Strength dwells in his neck, And sorrow dances before him.
 23 The folds of his flesh are joined together; They are firm on him and cannot be moved.

      New King James Version
Job 40:15 ¶ "Look now at the behemoth, which I made along with you; He eats grass like an ox.
 16 See now, his strength is in his hips, And his power is in his stomach muscles.
 17 He moves his tail like a cedar; The sinews of his thighs are tightly knit.
 18 His bones are like beams of bronze, His ribs like bars of iron.